Started in 1926 by Mr. Paul K. Guillow, a WWI US Navy aviator vet, Guillow's planes was born from a true appreciation of all things aviation. The first balsa wood model kits were fashioned after famous WWI combat air crafts. They gained popularity in 1927 after Charles A. Lindbergh’s infamous first non-stop flight from New York to Paris on the Spirit of St. Louis.
During WWII, balsa wood became increasingly scarce as the US military required the material for use in rafts and life jackets. Plastic became the standard material for model airplanes, which saw a decline in kits using cardboard or pine in place of the lighter balsa wood.
After the war, Guillow changed the focus of his company to produce inexpensive, hand launched rubber powered gliders. We have stocked these same balsa wood gliders which are still produced in the old Guillow’s factory in Wakefield, MA open since 1933. Their vintage appeal and simplicity make the planes enjoyable, easy & fun. Each plane is a great, affordable gift made here in the USA that reminds us of the simple and uncomplicated pleasures in life.
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